While asbestos can be a potentially fatal substance, it is not always something to worry about. Finding out whether it needs to be removed once it has been detected will help you to understand the risks and mitigate them appropriately.
Asbestos is a dangerous substance and can present health risks such as asbestos-related lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma, and it is responsible for over 5,000 deaths per year in the UK. However, asbestos is only a risk to human health if its fibres are released into the air and breathed in.
When is asbestos a risk?
Asbestos fibres often get into the air when the material is disturbed, which could, for example, happen during the removal process. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the risk levels of removing it, in comparison to leaving it.
If the asbestos is friable (meaning it can be broken up by hand, making fibres airborne), it can be very risky if left where it is. Asbestos can become friable if it is damaged by weather or water, has been ageing, or if it has been drilled through or cut.
Should you remove asbestos or leave it undisturbed?
As removing asbestos can be dangerous if not done professionally with high levels of care, it can be a health hazard. So, if you think you have asbestos in your property, the first step should be to have an asbestos survey carried out to determine how high the health risk is based on the location, amount and type of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).Some asbestos materials are more friable than others, so knowing what type(s)are present will help your risk assessor to make a judgement on removal and develop a management plan
For example, asbestos floor tiles are not friable, so if they are left undisturbed and remain undamaged they are less of a priority to be removed than sprayed asbestos insulation, which is very friable.
How can you remove asbestos safely?
Removing asbestos can be a hazardous task and should therefore be done by a licenced professional to ensure that no one’s health is put at risk as a result of the process. It will then need to be disposed of safely, to ensure the fibres do not get released into the environment.
If you are the person who is responsible for the maintenance of the property or the duty holder, you should arrange a survey if you believe there are ACMs on the premises, so you can be clear as to whether it is present and the condition it is in. You should also check every so often to make sure the material isn’t damaged over time; if you do not have the expertise to make this assessment, as asbestos professional can undertake regular assessments within an Asbestos Management Plan (APM)
If you are uncertain whether there is a risk of asbestos in a property you manage, our experts would be happy to guide you through the process of managing the risk, should there be one.